Disposing of Oversized Items
In order to dispose of oversized items, please send email to the maintenance team or call our office to make arrangements and schedule a specific pickup or authorization for additional yardage.
Contact us to determine our regular service day(s) and put items out the night before.
The Association's garbage contract provides that dumpsters are emptied at a frequency specified by agreement. Typically that's one to three times per week, depending on usage.
The contract provides only for the removal of residential waste. No commercial or construction waste is permitted in the Association's dumpsters.
Trash company drivers are authorized only to empty the dumpsters. They do not gather bags from piles. They are not tasked with cleaning up around the dumpster area. And they will not remove furniture or mattresses without a specific request from our maintenance team.
Overloaded dumpsters and piles of garbage expose the Association to potential fines from the city.
Contact maintenance if the dumpster is full.
Do not leave excess trash piled around the dumpster.
Contact maintenance to schedule removal of oversized items.
Do not place oversized items out until the specified date.
Contractors must remove construction waste and may not use Association dumpsters.
Mattresses and box-springs must be wrapped in plastic and taped prior to disposal.
Thank you in advance for your assistance. Compliance with the terms of the Association's waste contract helps keep costs on-budget and helps us avoid costly fines!