Condominium Association Management
We specialize in the operation of small to medium sized condo associations. If a condominium has a doorman, it's probably not our building.
Condominium association management brings with it all the services of both our maintenance and administrative programs. And the added benefit of seamless coordination between the left hand and the right.
We clean and repair both new construction and converted vintage apartment buildings. We provide the services necessary to maintain their exteriors for the long term, and to improve their urban landscapes.
As bonus, homeowners in our buildings have access to a qualified and reliable army of tradespeople for all their in-unit needs. And handyman services to avoid calling those folks whenever possible.
We become responsible for both budgeting and for maintenance scheduling, allowing us to use our in-house staff to provide associations with huge cost savings on repairs that often cost hundreds of dollars. We keep our associations well-maintained and on budget, year after year.
Special construction projects, curing deferred maintenance, solving collection issues, and supervising foreclosed properties are specialties of Chicago Condo Management & Maintenance Co.
And we help neighbors work together to run their associations. We're there as a reference source for their governing documents. We provide them with the necessary compliance resources. We apply our expertise to everything from shoes in the hallway, to unpaid assessments, to monitoring insurance and leasing documents.
It's in our name.
Chicago Condo Management & Maintenance Co.